Friday, November 7, 2008

"Classic Authors"?

O.k. Major question here. Why in the wide world are homeschooling parents teaching "classic" authors, such as Edgar Allen Poe, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Beirce, etc? And why exactly are they teaching that these are "Exelent authors!"
Their writings are sick, twisted works, which have no real value. They lift up ideas that are most definitely negative, they promote depressing thoughts and negative attitudes and they most certainly do NOT bring glory to God.
I don't remember the verse off the top of my head, but I'm sure you know the one I mean, you know, "Whatever things are lovely, whatever things are pure, whatever things are of good repute"? I think in this case the good repute is out of context, as these authors are generally considered brilliant, even though most of them did drugs, were considered for insane assylums and Poe was thought to have died from rabies!
Am I reading too much into what is being taught, or does any of this make sense? The general attitude and thought processes that these stories and poems promote are NOT praiseworthy.
I do believe that things like this should be heavily weighed before being taught, and that it should be evident that the teachers are not suggesting that the stories or authors themselves are good, but that the techniques used are good.
This doesn't make much sense, but what I'm trying to say is that the methods of writing used are definitely good. The writer draws you into the story, makes you feel a part of it. But the stories and authors themselves are not to be even considered as good examples.
If I'm not making sense, or have false logic, someone say so please?

Monday, November 3, 2008

I ain't nothin' but a simple man
They call me a redneck I reckon that I am
But there's things going on That make me mad down to the core.
I have to work like a dog to make ends meet
There's crooked politicians and crime in the street
And I'm madder'n hell and I ain't gonna take it no more.
We tell our kids to just say no
Then some panty waist judge lets a drug dealer go
Slaps him on the wrist and then he turns him back out on the town.
Now if I had my way with people sellin' dopeI
'd take a big tall tree and a short piece of rope
I'd hang 'em up high and let 'em swing 'til the sun goes down
Well, you know what's wrong with the world today
People done gone and put their Bible's away
They're living by the law of the jungle not the law of the land
The good book says it so I know it's the truth
An eye for and eye and a tooth for a tooth
You better watch where you go and remember where you been
That's the way I see it I'm a Simple Man.
Now I'm the kinda man that'd not harm a mouse
But if I catch somebody breakin in my house
I've got twelve guage shotgun waiting on the other side
So don't go pushing me against my will
I don't want to have to fight you but I dern sure will
So if you don't want trouble then you'd better just pass me on by
As far as I'm concerned there ain't no excuse
For the raping and the killing and the child abuse
And I've got a way to put an end to all that mess
Just take them rascals out in the swamp
Put 'em on their knees and tie 'em to a stump
Let the rattlers and the bugs and the alligators do the rest
You know what's wrong with the world today
People done gone and put their Bible's away
They're living by the law of the jungle not the law of the land
The Good Book says it so I know it's the truth
An eye for and eye and a tooth for a tooth
You better watch where you go and remember where you been
That's the way I see it I'm a Simple Man
-Charlie Daniels

So True! An acquaintance gave me this song, and listening to the lyrics, all I could think was, "Why in the world isn't this more popular?!" Then I "remembered" that everything has to be politically correct, and that right and wrong are rapidly becoming things to be determined in the eye of the beholder.
If the people would straighten out the government....... but I'm not holding my breath.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Drastic Changes

This now going to be my serious blog, and I am going to create a new one for random vents. So on this one I will be the very model of a mature young lady, with normal interests, and be quite decorous in all manners. (Yes, decorous is a word!)

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I have been advised that I should explain my use of language in a previous post. The use of the word african was not in any way meant to be rascist, but in fact was a corruption of the word freaking. As my sister yells "Bad Word!!!" in your ear every time you say something like crap, the guy I work with, my sister and I decided that that was an appropriate subsitute. I appologize just in case somebody else ever does read my blog. HA!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

?????help me

O.k., life is a lttle easier to handle when you've gone and "wept your little weep"! Is it really paranoia if they really are out to get you? Who can tell, who can tell?
Anyways, I really hate rats. But lets not go there.
Louisa May Alcott, I could kill your publisher! 500 stinking pages! Are you for cereal!?!?!
I know a certain someone who is going to kill me for this post, but I don't care! :)
Why do T totaler's not not eat bread with yeast?
And if everything I say is a lie, and then I tell you I'm lying, am I not telling the truth? But everything I say is a lie, therefore I'm lying to you. Figure that one out.
Osmosis is when just the solvent travels through a semipermeable membrane, but diffusion is when the solvent and the solute both travel through a fully permeable membrane. Got that?
Supercalifragalisticexpialdocious. Or suoicodlaipxecitsilagarfilacrepus! But going a bit too far don't you think? Ta ta for now, or th- th- that's all for now folks!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Life is insane!!!!!!!!!1

much better. Thank you for listening.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


O.K., so I got my money back from the U.K., and got my shoes ordered. They should be here by Saturday. YIPEEEE!
On other fronts, My biology isn't so hot. Should be writing labs instead of blogging, but what the heck! I've got a B average, which is above average, so that's ok. Anyway, lit is SO easy, its not funny. Except Essays. But what can you excpect from a teacher who lived for ten years in Germany!
I found a way into the musical in the spring, and I'll be in choir too. Dancing is really rolling for the Christmas show, and I even have a solo.
Does anybody ever wonder why on earth I can't pick a subject and stick with it? Maybe its ADD. Or maybe its just ODD. Ha ha. Anyway, Life is momentarily on a high. Lets wait till tomorrow night, (IE dance class) to see what its like then! ;)

Monday, October 13, 2008

R-E-S-P-E-C-T- Tell you what it means to me!

LA LA LA LA LA!!!!! Just a little disgusted with the U.K. right now. Never mind.
Anyway, life is ok at the moment. Got 100 on my biology midterm, 5 of 7 dance numbers are learned, and I figured out a way to be in the spring musical!
What I would really like to say though, is that WOULD PEOPLE STOP BEING JERKS TOWARD THOSE WHO MIGHT LEAD OUR COUNTRY?!?!?!?!?!?!?
I am sick of every body complaining about the presidential canidates! This person did this, or thinks that, or said this, or wants this to happen. That person doesn't know what's good for the country, or that person aught to know better, or talk straight! If everybody would stop bad mouthing other people, no matter what they think, things would improve. Now, I'm not saying that some of the canidates are correct in everything they do or say. Far from it. What I'm saying is that we have a responsiblitly to behave with respect towards everyone else!
Respect is not just reserved for those in office. Would you say what you are saying about the canidates to their faces? or would you say that type of thing to your mother's face? what about your wife, or husband? If you would not say it to someone you know, about them, don't say it at all! If you know that they would be offended if you said it to their face, THEN DON'T AFRICAN SAY IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Peace and Quiet

The title has origins of intense hilarity. Namely, What About Bob. And yes, tretts is worse than death. I really have no clue what I'm doing here, other than making fun of people I know, and making random comments, and complaining. Other than that, nothing. So, my sister (the youngest one, emma) is laughing meniaclly in the backround, trying to open a hair clip. My dance teacher is mad at me because I may not be able to perform one of the pieces in the show. My essay teacher is mad at me because I can't get the stupid formula she wants for a persuasive paper. My Dad is mad at me for no reason, and I'm mad at my shoe supply company. My brothers are fighting in the next room, and I have dance tonight. Surprise, surprise. WELCOME TO MY LIFE! so much for peace and quiet.